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As a board member of The DeBruce Foundation, I’m honored to be part of this powerful mission to expand career pathways.
In an ever-changing workforce, The DeBruce Foundation is providing a vital “toolbox” of resources to help individuals navigate their career journey. I invite you to learn more about our work by reading our newly released mission report. You’ll note some themes: the importance of partnerships, youth voices, continually gaining insights, and equipping people to build bright careers.
Lastly, I’d like to thank each of you. A crucial measure of success is all of you who are partnering with us, advising our mission, and working alongside us to build an empowered workforce. Here’s to expanding pathways, together.

In celebration of our new Mission Report
We are thrilled and humbled to share with you our recently released Mission Report!
This report highlights our founding and history, advancement of our mission, and impact from 2018-2022.
Check it out to discover more about our programs, products, research, and partnerships. You’ll also learn about the Agilities, our career literacy tools, and the power of networks.

A gift for each and every 2023 graduate
“But Kansas City-based DeBruce Foundation recently has come up with what arguably is the most practical – and in the long run, the most valuable – graduation gift of all. And it’s free. Grads need only to go to DeBruce’s website to get it.” – Kansas City Agricultural Business Council
We’re delighted to have shared the Graduation Toolkit with 2023 seniors across the nation! Read the full article from Kansas City Agricultural Business Council, and share the Graduation Toolkit with the grads in your life!
KC students developing Career Literacy
500+ students have ProX summer internships and professional experiences this summer!
To kick off the program, interns spent time with The DeBruce Foundation team to learn about the Agilities that they are exploring and developing throughout this opportunity, how to highlight their experiences on a resume, and more.
Learn more about ProX, Kansas City’s regional hub of paid, professional experiences for high school students.
Advancing your civic or career journey
If you are looking to create a vision for your career, discover your strengths and interests, and communicate your professional value, you are building Career Literacy!
Our Executive Director and COO, Dr. Leigh Anne Taylor Knight, recently served as the keynote speaker on a webinar with United WE. The replay is now available here: Using your ‘Agilities’ to Advance Your Civic or Career Journey.

Celebrating accomplishments and growth
Thank you to our DeBruce Career Corps members for all that you do to guide The DeBruce Foundation and assist us in expanding career pathways!
We recently celebrated these fantastic students’ accomplishments and welcomed the beginning of summer. Our partner, Patti Dobrowolski, guided them to “Draw Your Summer” and plan out how they would develop their Agilities while on break.
How do you plan to grow this summer? Check out Draw Your Future with Agilities to get started.

Using Agilities to empower others
Our latest blog features DeBruce Career Corps member, Kripa. She shares how she is developing her Agilities of Organizing, Managing, and Working with Information, and she reflects on her experience being the founder of the nonprofit, GirlsLeadCo.:
“With the support of our community, we can make a lasting impact and foster a generation of confident female leaders.”
As a rising junior in high school, she’s just getting started! Be sure to read the full blog to learn how Kripa is using her Agilities to empower others.

Join us for a training
Are you looking for career-building resources for your classroom, curriculum, or organization? Join us for an upcoming training!
7/11 Agilities Tour
7/18 Activating Your Agilities
7/25 Agilities Tour
9/14-15 Agility Coach Training