Our Foundation Story
Today, The DeBruce Foundation focuses on expanding pathways to economic growth and opportunity. To prepare individuals and close workforce gaps, we partner in designing and deploying innovative resources for all ages, unlocking their potential to find new career pathways.
Following is a timeline of mission milestones.

DeBruce Center at the University of Kansas opened and was named in recognition of a lead gift from Paul DeBruce and The DeBruce Foundation. Rather than displaying the original basketball rules in the Booth Hall of Athletics in Allen Fieldhouse, the decision was made to create a facility—one that would serve not only as a shrine to the rules, but as a gathering place for the extended KU community.
The Gates of Paradise, purchased in February 2017 by Paul and Linda DeBruce, is a promised gift for the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art in Kansas City. Now proudly displayed in the Bloch lobby, the 17-foot gilded doors are casts of the original doors created in the 15th-century workshop of sculptor and artist Lorenzo Ghiberti. This art is considered a defining moment in Italian Renaissance.
- Opened The Paul and Linda DeBruce Hall at the Kansas City Art Institute.
- Donated to Kansas City COVID Response & Relief Fund.
- Initiated community effort as lead funder for Kansas City Police Department body cameras.
- Launched interactive career programs: Grad Gift, Draw Your Future with Agilities, and vShips.
- Achieved 20K Agile Work Profiler© completions.
- Donated to the Children’s Mercy Research Institute (CMRI): Genomic Answers for Kids Project.
- Commissioned and released report on “Adult Higher Education’s Lessons Learned.”
- Commissioned and released research that found gaps exist between youth career expectations and their career readiness.
- Launched the new Agilities.org for career seekers, educators, and organizational leaders.

Download the Released 2023 Mission Report